
12/23 3PM ▶ 钢琴大师、格莱美奖评委、伯克利音乐学院教授 Utar Artun 领衔 Wayou Jazz Time


Piano: Utar Artun

Double Bass: Ray Ding

Drum: Joni Geller

音乐奇才钢琴大师:Utar Artun


Utar Artun 出生于土耳其安卡拉,现任美国伯克利音乐学院钢琴教授,毕业于伯克利音乐学院和新英格兰音乐学院,获音乐学士和“学术荣誉”音乐硕士学位。Utar Artun 教授精通钢琴现代、爵士以及古典音乐演奏,还精通打击乐、交响乐作曲、影视配乐以及乐团指挥。

Utar Artun was born in Ankara, Turkey. In 2006, he arranged musical pieces for the theater play “The 7 Women”. Artun arranged numerous movie soundtracks and oldies/jazz music for symphonic orchestras, and the Bursa Regional Symphony Orchestra, Antalya State Symphony, Cukurova State Symphony, Presidential Symphony Orchestra and Izmir State Symphony Orchestra performed his arrangements and compositions in live concerts.

2016年,他以交响乐 “Hiclik” 获得了第九届 Eczacibasi 全国作曲大赛第三名。阿坦教授曾在瑞士、法国、奥地利、德国、荷兰和意大利进行表演、巡回演出和大师课。他还在美国,欧洲和土耳其进行了大量的采访。2017年,他创作了世界上第一支钢琴和卡洪音乐会,并在伊斯坦布尔的 Zorlu PSM 与伊斯坦布尔交响乐团首演。

In 2016, won the 3rd place award of 9th Eczacibasi National Composition Contest with his symphonic lied "Hiclik".Artun has done numerous international studio recordings, albums, festivals, concerts and performances, touring and clinics in Switzerland (HKB-Bern& AMR Geneva), France (Paris, Sunset and Nancy, Music Academy International), Austria (Innsbruck - Treibhaus), Germany (Berlin-Aufsturz), Netherlands (Amsterdam- Panama), China (Beijing Central Conservatory) and Italy (Gezmataz Jazz Festival, Genova). He did a tour with Jussi Reijonen in Finland along with 8 performances and 5 workshops. In 2017, he composed the first Piano & Cajon Concertant in the world and he premiered it at Zorlu PSM in Istanbul with Istanbul Symphony Orchestra.

目前,他正在为安卡拉国家歌剧和芭蕾舞团的现代舞项目创作新的芭蕾舞音乐。他是全球杰出华人艺术家协会第六届国际钢琴比赛的名誉主席/评委。阿坦教授是安卡拉肯特Bigband编曲和古典绿洲乐团音乐总监。 此外,他还是 The Recording Academy 的格莱美颁奖典礼的评委

Recently, he won the Boston Microtonal Society Award and released his solo music video “Cajonversations”.Currently, he's writing new ballet music for the Ankara State Opera & Ballet's Modern Dance projects.  He is the Honorary Chairman/Judge of Global Outstanding Chinese Artists Association’s 6th International Piano Competition.Artun is a teaching faculty member at Berklee College of Music and is working as an Arranger for Ankara Kent Bigband and Musical Director for Classical Oasis Ensemble. Furthermore, He's a voting member at The Recording Academy for upcoming Grammy Awards.

丁睿 Ray Ding / Double Bass

毕业于北京现代音乐学院爵士乐学院,师从大中、马锴、Dan Callaghan 等国内知名贝斯演奏家,毕业后师从爵士长号手杨明学习爵士理论与实践。










Joni Geller / Drum

毕业于伯克利音乐学院。作为一名音乐素养极高的优秀鼓手,Joni 一直追求音乐上的创新,同时也力求在任何场合演出最好的音乐。从少时起他就参加了校园乐队的打击乐团,后来又担任鼓手。他也曾参加高中军乐队、爵士乐队、管乐团以及纽约大都会青少年交响乐团,还曾在校外独立组建摇滚乐队。在伯克利音乐学院学习期间,他修习了包括爵士、摇滚、R&B、布鲁斯、福音、融合乐以及电子音乐在内的多种音乐形式。Joni 在校内和校外在各种乐队中上台表演,包括摇滚、放克乐、福音和爵士乐队等。

Joni Geller is an American drummer who aims to be as creative as possible on the drums, while still maintaining the musicianship necessary to make the best sound for any given situation. From a young age he played in school concert bands in the percussion section and later picked up the drum set. In high school he was a member of the marching band, the jazz band, the wind ensemble, the Metropolitan Youth Orchestra, and created a rock band outside of school. At Berklee College of Music he studied many types of music including Jazz, Rock, R&B, Blues, Gospel, Fusion, and Electronic Music. While living in Boston for the past four years, Joni played in a variety of different bands including Rock, Funk, Gospel and Jazz ensembles both inside and outside of Berklee.

Now he has come to China to play for a new audience, have new experiences, and learn about Chinese culture. His main goal is to lay down some sweet beats, improvise on the drums in an expressive and musical way, and continue to entertain audiences in a different part of the world.

华悦环球教育集团 致力于音乐艺术教育培训及美国留学辅导。公司凭借与国内外顶级艺术院校密切合作的优势资源,不仅每年为合作艺术院校推荐选送优秀音乐学生,还为资金上有困难的优秀学生提供奖学金名额,同时为学员提供不同寻常的艺术发展之路。希望我们可以帮助那些孜孜以求的才艺青年们拓展演艺事业、实现美丽梦想!


随时随地与大师学音乐 * 华悦音乐大师线上课程

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2018年12月23日 15:00 
门票/Ticket: 60(ADV)/80(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District

电话/Tel: 010-64078969

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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